School of Medicine Office of Research Administration has compiled an initial set of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) related to pre- and post-award research administration to be adhered to School-wide effective January 1, 2019.  The expectation is that each department in the School will follow these SOPs and create additional internal, department-specific guidance to accompany them as needed.  These SOPs are intended to be as general as possible (while still being helpful) so that all departments can follow them.  These SOPs have been reviewed and edited by research administrators both in the SOM Office of Research Administration and in several SOM departments.

Each SOP will receive regular review (at least annually, beginning with FY20) by research administrators in the School of Medicine.  Based on this input,  proposed edits will be recommended and circulated for comment via the SOM Office of Research Administration listserv.  Feedback will be solicited over a two-week period.  Suggestions received will be reviewed with SOM Office of Research Administration staff for any additional comments.  SOPs will be updated and edited as needed and posted in final form on this website.

All SOMRA SOPs are considered dynamic documents.  Feedback at any time regarding the current SOPs or suggestions for any additional SOPs can be sent directly to the SOMRA Director of Training & Compliance.