Published — v. 10
Proposal Budgeting Tools

Proposal Budgeting Tools

VCU Institutional Fact Sheet (Authorized official, institutional address, etc)

Cost of Living Increases - SOM Standard Practice

As long as a sponsor does not disallow annual cost of living increases/escalation on proposal budgets, SOM standard practice for estimating faculty and staff salaries on project budgets should be:

Year 1 of proposed budgetConsider and factor in any anticipated and upcoming state employee salary increases for faculty and full-time university staff (example, anticipated state employee 5% raise in the spring before the new fiscal year starts for faculty and full-time university staff)
Additional years of proposed budget*Escalate costs annually by 5% in line with current Federal inflation statistics

*Note this is a recommended standard practices that should be followed whenever budget constraints and sponsor guidelines allow.

VCU Fringe Benefit and F&A Rates

For a full breakdown of VCU fringe benefits rate (sometimes requested by sponsors), go here:

Current amounts for budgeting
FY24 fringe benefit rate for faculty and university staff39.7%See latest DHHS rate agreement
FY24 fringe benefit rate for hourly staff8.0%

See latest DHHS rate agreement

FY24 fringe benefit rate for postdoctoral fellows paid through VCU Payroll37.9%See latest DHHS rate agreement
FY24 F&A rate for Organized Research, On-Campus55.25%See latest DHHS rate agreement
FY24 F&A rate for Organized Research, Off-Campus26%See latest DHHS rate agreement
FY24 F&A rate for Other Sponsored Activities, On-Campus38%See latest DHHS rate agreement
FY24 F&A rate for Other Sponsored Activities, Off-Campus26%See latest DHHS rate agreement

NOTE: Salary and fringe for VCUHS employees must be budgeted in the general or other costs section, not in the personnel section, of the RAMS-SPOT and sponsor budget for outgoing proposals.

NOTE: Undergraduate students do not receive fringe benefits. See codes SW and WS here:

Faculty Salary Caps

Department of Health & Human Services/NIH$221,900
Department of Justice$233,310

Graduate Students (Predoctoral)

Before budgeting graduate student costs in your proposal, consider the following:

  • What is the sponsor type? Federal, foundation, etc.
  • Is this a modular budget, or detail budget? 
  • Will we be allowed to re-budget after award, if needed?
  • Will this be a PhD or MD-PhD student?
  • Is the PI including a specific student, or a TBD student, in the budget?

In general, budget the following for graduate students:

Current STIPEND amounts for budgeting Graduate Students on NON-NRSA TRAINING GRANTS
SOM PhD graduate student stipends$35,535 Per Dr. Mike Grotewiel 8/9/24
SOM MD/PhD graduate student stipends$35,535 Per Dr. Mike Grotewiel 8/9/24

Budgeting Graduate Student STIPEND on NRSA TRAINING GRANTS
FY24 Predoctoral Stipend$28,224


When submitting a proposal or receiving an award that mandates the NIH NRSA stipend rate for predoctoral scholars, the School of Medicine will fund the difference between the NRSA stipend rate and the SOM graduate student stipend rate.  This only applies when the student's home department is in the School of Medicine, regardless of where the grant funding is managed. Departments should contact Dr. Mike Grotewiel and Ruth McIntosh-Brandt with any questions about this "differential" funding.

Fall$7,588Always In State

3 credits

Total to budget annually$17,384

Fall$7,588Always In State
Summer$2,2083 credits
Total to budget annually$17,384

As calculated on 7/7/23

Postdoctoral Fellows and Trainees

Current amounts for budgeting
Minimum postdoc salary$61,008


FY24 fringe benefit rate for postdoctoral fellows paid through VCU Payroll39.70%See latest DHHS rate agreement

Laboratory Technicians

The following information is helpful for aiding investigators in determining how much and what type of role to budget for TBD lab personnel. 

Budgeting Lab/Research Technicians

Labs and Research Technicians perform a variety of routine, technical, and administrative responsibilities in support of lab-based research at the university. They directly perform daily bench work executing lab/technical protocols such as: setting up and performing experiments, collecting data and specimens, operating lab equipment, and preparing materials. 

Minimum to budget: $40,500, no experience/entry level - aligns with 25th percentile of Lab/Research Technician 1 on VCU's Job Summary Tool

Budget higher if prior experience is required: $48,500, some prior experience - aligns with midpoint of Lab/Research Technician 1 on VCU's Job Summary Tool

Budgeting Lab/Research Assistant

Lab Assistants perform a variety of routine, entry-level, non-technical duties in support of lab based research.  Typical duties include performing general lab maintenance by cleaning and sterilizing instruments, glassware, and equipment; wrapping, labeling, and preparing specimens; and setting up and monitoring equipment. They may be responsible for maintaining stock, ordering supplies, and keeping records.

Minimum to budget: $34,500, no experience/entry level - aligns with 25th percentile of Lab/Research Assistant 1 on VCU's Job Summary Tool

Budget higher if prior experience is required: $39,200, some prior experience - aligns with midpoint of Lab/Research Assistant 1 on VCU's Job Summary Tool

Faculty with Joint VA/VCU Appointments

When including faculty with joint VA appointments in a proposal, make sure the following language is included in the budget justification personnel section:
Dr. XX has an appointment with Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and with the Richmond Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC). The institutional base salary used in this application represents the VCU salary, and it does not include salary from the VAMC appointment. Dr. XX has __/8th appointment at the VAMC. He/She is contributing __ person months (__%) VCU effort to this application.