Published — v. 1
Office Policies

Office Policies

Leave Requests

Planned in advance

  • Email request to supervisor and receive approval via email
  • Submit leave request via RealTime
  • Any request that entails more than two consecutive days out of the office should provide at least two weeks advance notice
  • Please provide a minimum of six weeks advance notice for 5 or more consecutive days of leave

Unplanned absences due to illness

  • Email your supervisor as soon as possible when you need to be out due to illness
  • When you return, submit sick leave request via RealTime for the amount of hours you were out of the office
  • Sick absences greater than 3 consecutive days require a doctor’s note

Absences for doctor appointments

  • Email request to supervisor and receive approval via email
  • When you return to the office from the appointment, submit leave request via RealTime for the amount of hours you were out

Work Schedule and Hours

All exempt employees should have a regular work schedule that begins at or after 7:30 and ends at or after 4:00.  You must take either a 30 minute or 60 minute lunch break every day.

If you need to work an irregular schedule on a given day (i.e. you have an appointment scheduled), you must notify your supervisor in advance and let them know how you plan to adjust your schedule.

Professional Exams and Certifications

Plans to sit for a professional exam or certification should be discussed with your supervisor in advance of taking the exam. You and your supervisor will discuss the relevance of the professional certification to your current position and/or career development plan. Your intention to sit for the examination must be documented in your Career Development Plan.  This documentation in your Career Development Plan does not imply any commitment from  SOMRA to reimburse any exam fees.  All decisions regarding reimbursement of exam fees must be discussed with your supervisor in advance of taking the exam and be approved by the Assistant Dean for Research Administration.