Using the Research Dashboard
Log In to the PI Dashboard
You can access the Research Dashboard using the following link: SAS® Logon Manager
You can also use the “Research Dashboard” link on the MyVCU portal:
If you are an investigator, once you are logged in to the VCU Reporting Center, navigate to the PI Dashboard using the link in the "Report Viewer"
If you are an administrator, you can use the Research Admin or RA Dashboard link to select a particular PI Dashboard
Reminder: If trying to log in from off-campus you must use the VCU VPN secure login, details on VCU Technology Services website.
Please contact if you are having trouble viewing the Research Dashboard.
Online Materials
Step-by-step Guide to the Monthly Expense Report Review Process (PDF)
PI and RA Dashboard Portlet Descriptions (PDF)
Data Verification Guide (Excel)
Troubleshooting Guide (PDF)
School-level Monitoring and Data Verification
The Dean’s Office works with departments to resolve outstanding monthly expense reports when a PI has left the institution and when a PI has monthly expense reports that are greater than 60 days past due.
We are continually thinking of ways that the Dashboard could be improved upon and we welcome your feedback! Please report errors, send comments, or make suggestions to We will forward these on to the VCU Controller's Office