Published — v. 8


SOM Approver Assignments:
PI Eligibility Exceptions, F&A Waivers, Voluntary Cost Share Requests, Requests for SOM to Cost Share:

Primary ApproverBackup
Fixed Price Closeouts

Primary ApproverBackup
Heather Kate

Process charts for the following forms and requests:

General Rules for SOMRESADMIN Inbox Monitoring:

  • When logging a request in the Research Portal, upload all documents you receive from the department to the Research Portal file attachment section.  They must all be converted to PDF first.  We recommend compiling them all into one PDF for ease of uploading.
  • After a document is signed by all parties, upload the signed PDF to the record in the Research Portal and make sure the record status has been changed to "Approve" (or "Disapprove" if request was denied).
  • When you send a document for signature in DocuSign, include in the queue to receive a copy after all parties sign.
  • At the end of each week, the inbox monitor will send an email to (with a CC to the next inbox monitor) describing "where things stand" with any questions or documents that are still pending answer or signature.  Also, leave this message in the inbox for the next monitor to see on Monday morning.  When done reviewing the status updates, file these emails in the "Status Updates" folder.
    • Important!  When you send the end-of-week wrap up email, if something is still out for signature in DocuSign, note this in the email so next week's monitor is aware.  Let the next week's monitor know that you can help "ping" the signer or follow up however is needed.
    • See examples of previous end-of-week emails in the "Status Updates" folder
  • Requests from departments to join the SOMRA listserv > Forward to Heather Lennon and file in "Listserv" folder.
  • Requests from departments for SOMRA Wiki access > Send them these instructions and CC: Heather Lennon then file in "Other Dept Correspondence:"
    • Individual users can sign up for access on their own by requesting access at

      • Go to the link above
      • Click on REQUESTS from the tabs along the top
      • Click on REQUEST ACCESS
      • Select Search from the Resource Group menu.
      • Search for LDAP-TS in the name field and and select “LDAP-TS_Wiki_users”.
      • Scroll down and check the box Permanent.
      • Submit request.

      Once approved the Wiki will import your account into the application user directory on the next directory import cycle. This cycle is triggered every 3 hours. After which, users will have access to make a personal wiki or can be added to a shared space by a space admin. 

  • Messages related to the review and approval of Funding Proposals in RAMS-SPOT (often the will be related to a proposal that is due soon) should be forwarded to Ryan Reikowsky and Heather Lennon to address.
  • Requests from faculty, students, or other administrators for assistance with a proposal submission should be forwarded to the primary contact for each department.
  • Emails from,, or Elham Almousa > Review the email to determine which PI is involved.  If the PI is in one of the departments SOMRA supports, forward the emails to the RA point of contact and then file in "CT Emails" folder.
  • Emails from Elham Almousa with subject line “New study for the PI to route in SPOT for approval” > forward the emails to the RA point of contact and then file in “CT Emails” folder.
  • Emails from > Open the attached spreadsheet, determine if any of the listed studies are in one of the departments SOMRA supports, forward the emails to the RA point of contact and then file in "CT Emails" folder.
  • Questions about accessing the PI Dashboard can be forwarded to Karen Lamb ( who works in the University Controller's office.
  • Emails from Neurology and School of Pharmacy Faculty members about upcoming proposal submissions:
    • Forward the email to Heather Lennon. Heather will advise Ryan Reikowsky, and together they will determine if a member of the Pre-Award Team will be able to assist with the proposal. If the Pre-Award Team cannot assist, Kate Leonard will be notified so that a member from the SOMRA Shared Services Team can be assigned to assist.  If Heather Lennon is out of the office, send the email to Ryan Reikowsky. 
    • After forwarding the email to Heather Lennon, respond to the faculty member to thank them for the notification about their upcoming proposal and advise that a team member will be assigned to work with them soon.
  • Requests from administrators in other departments for School of Medicine faculty or staff salary information for proposal budgeting purposes:
    • First, if you can't easily tell that the person requesting the information is a department administrator, research administrator, etc, use the "VCU People" search tool to look up the sender's name to confirm that they are an administrator.  If you still aren't sure, then check with your manager.  It is better to double check before distributing salary information if you aren't sure. 
    • Next, use FIS to identify if person is SOM faculty or staff:
    • If faculty, use the Faculty Salary IBS Verification report in the Research Portal to look up their current total IBS salary information and provide to the requester.  Include in the email the VCU FTE amount listed on the report.
    • If staff, use the Banner NBAJOBS screen to look up the person's current salary information.
    • If you aren't sure what to do, ask former Assistant RAs first, then ask your manager!

Accessing the Research Portal - for PI Eligibility Exceptions, F&A Waivers, and Fixed Price Closeouts

Directly to the right of the "Research Portal" title, select "Create New Record".

In "" select either "PI Eligibility", "F&A Waiver", or "Fixed Price Closeout" depending on the request received in SOMRESADMIN. Follow the Workflow for the appropriate information needed.

Research Portal Data Entry Guide


In email or on request form

PI Exemption-Reason for PI eligibility exception request

See the form provided in email

Select appropriate option

See the form provided in email

Select correct PI or Other Faculty option. IF OTHER, manually type into "Other Proposed PI"

Proposed PI’s Home Department

See the form provided in email

See the form provided in email

If applicable

See the form provided in email

most times will match the Home Department

SOM Reviewer Assigned

Use appropriate individual for review 

From SOM Final Reviewer Assignments above 

Sponsor due date

In Printer version of RAMS-SPOT FP and/or Form

If not in RAMS-SPOT, list sponsor due date within two business days to adhere to SOM 48 HOUR reply policy.  Click " " if applicable 

PI Exemption- Proposed PI Effort

Printer version of RAMS-SPOT FP Budget  and/or Form

Mark "Proposed PI Effort N/A " if appropriate

In Printer version of RAMS-SPOT FP and/or Form

In Printer version of RAMS-SPOT FP and/or Form

Manually fill out

Fixed Price Closeout- Grant IndexProvided in email from department

Fixed Price Closeout- Contact in Department

Provided in email from department

Provided in email from department

This should all be provided by the department

Intake Pre-Review Checklist

Check Form and Package emailed

Check off required documents


as necessary


Upload appropriate documents

Add comments as appropriate, include full package explained in Workflow

Research Portal Data Entry Guide

Departments supported by SOMRA:

  • Anatomy (Pre-award only)
  • Anesthesiology
  • Center on Health Disparities
  • Center on Society and Health
  • Dentistry
  • Dermatology
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Family Medicine/Epidemiology
  • Health Behavior & Policy
  • Human & Molecular Genetics
  • Institute for Women's Health
  • Internal Medicine
  • Neurology (any PI except Dr. Nicholas Johnson or Dr. Amy Harper)
  • Neurosurgery
  • Obstetrics & Gynecology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Otolaryngology
  • Pathology (Pre-award only)
  • Pharmacology & Toxicology
  • Physiology & Biophysics
  • Psychiatry
  • Virginia Institute for Psychiatric & Behavioral Genetics (VIPBG)
  • Radiation Oncology
  • Radiology
  • Surgery